Privacy Policy

Protecting one’s privacy is of paramount importance to Seiko Hong Kong Limited, Canada Branch (“SHKCB” or “we” and its derivatives). This Privacy Policy recognizes the privacy of consumers and retail customers who browse the SHKCB websites for its Grand Seiko-watch brand, and is adopted for the websites. It is important for you, the consumer, to review this Privacy Policy carefully.

SHKCB reserves the right to change, modify, and add terms to this policy at any time. We will post changes on this page and if we determine that they are material in nature, we will provide more prominent notice on our homepage. If you have any questions about the information contained in this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at

1. What information does SHKCB collect?
SHKCB collects the following information from consumers as they use the SHKCB websites:

PII: SHKCB may collect personally identifiable information” (“PII”) (such as name, e-
mail, address, telephone number, etc.) in the course of responding to consumer/retailers inquiries about our products and/or requests for product servicing. For example, online customers may provide various PII in connection with filling out information on the SHKCB websites, warranty registrations, sweepstakes or questionnaires, or when using the store locator. In addition, if you contact us with an
inquiry, you are voluntarily releasing to us all the information within your messages, which may contain PII. While SHKCB may use your PII together with information obtained via other sources (as described further below), to market new products and services that may be of interest to you, SHKCB will not disclose your PII to third parties who may want to market other products or services to you. SHKCB does not knowingly collect or use any PII from individuals under the age of 13. If we become aware that any such information has been provided or submitted to us, we will delete the information as
soon as possible.

Non-PII: Through relationships with our partners (including media agencies, advertising vendors, and websites in the same network as those agencies and vendors), we collect anonymous, non-personally identifiable information (“Non-PII”) about online activity related to internet service provider (a.k.a. ISP) (from which we can infer geographic information), web browser, search, websites, and shopping behavior that enables us to deliver in-store product recommendations, personalized e-mail marketing offers (if you provide your e-mail information to us), audience and customer analytics, and personalized advertisements (which is sometimes referred to as “targeted advertising” or “retargeting”). We retain this information for as long as it remains relevant (in our discretion).

2. How does SHKCB collect PII and Non-PII?
To provide a tailored and efficient shopping experience, we collect and receive a variety of data.

PII Collection: You must affirmatively provide PII to us. SHKCB will not disclose PII to any third parties that may want to market other products and services to you. Non-PII Collection: Our collection of Non-PII focuses on your browsing habits. By collecting Non-PII, SHKCB can show you the most useful and relevant online advertisements across numerous websites, while at the same time we can minimize excessive or repeated deliveries of the same advertisements. We primarily provide these targeted advertisements by sharing Non-PII collected with a third-party advertising company (the “Ad Company”) that analyzes cookies and pixel tags. Cookies are small data files containing a string of characters, such as an anonymous unique browser identifier. Cookies are stored on your computer or other device and act as a unique identifier for your computer, device, and browser. Our servers may send your device a cookie when you visit the SHKCB websites, and our Ad Company may do likewise. SHKCB, along with its Ad Company, may use cookies to, among other things, “remember” you (e.g., when you visit the SHKCB websites), track trends, and collect information about how you use or interact with advertising. We use cookies to provide relevant content to you and replace non-relevant ads with ads that better match your interests. You can disable cookies, but please know that the activity logged by the cookie before disabling can be analyzed by the Ad Company (but no PII is shared, collected, or retained by the Ad Company) and may be used by SHKCB or the Ad Company for statistical purposes.

A pixel tag is an invisible 1×1 image that is placed on certain web pages. When you access web pages on which a pixel tag is deployed, the pixel tag may set or read cookies. This Cookie or unique id anonymously tracks a user’s activity without associating the user with any PII.

Though Non-PII does not personally identify a specific individual, we are still committed to giving users the opportunity to exercise choice about the Non-PII we collect (see discussion on “opting-out” further along in this Privacy Policy).

3. What does SHKCB do with PII and Non-PII?
SHKCB wants to help you find the products that you want. We primarily use the collected PII and Non-PII to give you a better shopping experience across different forms of media and advertising, as limited by this Privacy Policy.

In order to accomplish this, SHKCB will share your Non-PII (but not your PII) with our Ad Company so that SHKCB products can be shown in the form of targeted advertisements on other websites in the Ad Company’s network or clientele. SHKCB and its Ad Company may also use your Non-PII at times to conduct research and development efforts as we evaluate our advertising and media plans going forward. To the extent SHKCB uses your PII for such research and development purposes, it will not share that information with third parties or Ad Company.

That said, please know that there may be situations where your Non-PII and, possibly, your PII will have to be disclosed:
i. As part of a business sale, merger, consolidation, investment, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation, or in connection with steps taken in anticipation of such an event (e.g., due diligence).
ii. With our corporate affiliates.
iii. When required by law or in response to lawful process, such as a subpoena, or to cooperate in good faith with a request from a government or law enforcement agency or official.
iv. If we believe sharing the information may prevent physical, financial, or other harm, injury or loss; or we believe is necessary to protect our, or any other person’s or entity’s interest; or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual unlawful activity.

4. What if I don’t want to share my PII or Non-PII?
PII: Consumers have control over whether they would like to receive relevant advertisements and marketing emails. You can choose not to receive direct marketing communications for SHKCB by sending an email to, by providing us with written notification addressed as follows: Seiko Hong Kong Limited Canada Branch, 60 Prince Andrew Place, Toronto, ON M3C 2H4, Attention: GS9 Club, or by following the “unsubscribe” instructions in a SHKCB marketing email. A customer may also choose not to receive such messages by telephone. If you choose to opt out from receiving information from SHKCB and later change your mind, simply send us an email or written notification to the email address or mailing address referred above to request inclusion of you contact information back into our database.

Non-PII: You can also opt out of targeted advertising by clicking the link here: SHKCB also honors do not track (a.k.a. DNT) signals from users that do not want to be tracked. In order for the opt-out to work, a third party opt-out cookie is set on your web browser. Therefore, in order for your opt-out choice to be effective, your device must be set to accept third party cookies (in other words, if you clear/block cookies, the pixel tags on the SHKCB websites will still track your Non-PII). Opting out does not necessarily delete or replace all cookies from our domain. If you buy a new computer or device, upgrade or change web browsers or take any other action which results in the deletion of this opt-out cookie, you will need to perform this opt-out process again.

Please note that opting out does not mean you will block online advertising altogether or see fewer ads. It simply means that the ads that you see will not be personalized for you. Ads may be served because they relate to the websites you are visiting or to your current search, or they may just be randomly placed. Your choice to opt out from personalized ads placed by SHKCB will not affect ads placed by any other organization, whether on SHKCB’s page, its Ad Company, or anywhere else on the internet.

5. Does SHKCB safeguard my PII?
Yes. We employ security measures to guard your PII that we process against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, alteration, disclosure, access, or other use, and we comply with applicable security requirements. However, despite the measures we take, no security measures can be 100% secure, and we therefore do not warrant the security of any information provided to or collected by us.

A membership has its perks.
Occasionally, GS9 Club members receive exclusive and unique memorabilia, known as kinennhin 記念品 in Japanese. Please include your shipping address and shirt size to your profile to become eligible.
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